The Public Humanities Hub has created a Public Scholarship Series of presentations about a range of activities intended to foster knowledge exchange between UBC and the public. We believe that with access to tools, methods, and resources, any UBC humanities scholar can become a public scholar. These presentations reflect on the possibilities of genres beyond the academic article and the traditional monograph through which humanities faculty and graduate students can share their research more broadly and participate in the reciprocity of community-engaged work. In addition to the recorded presentations, we are also building public scholarship toolkits to assist in the skill-building required to do this kind of work.
Below you will find a playlist of available videos, all of which are close captioned for accessibility. Videos will continue to be added to this playlist as they become available. In the list that follows you will see an archive of presentations we’ve hosted so far.
Public Scholarship Series: Video Playlist
January 30, 2025: “Art As Indigenous Pedagogy”, co-hosted with the Vancouver Art Gallery, with Shelley Niro and Dr. Shannon Leddy (Curriculum & Pedagogy, UBC)
March 11, 2025: “Arts-Based Approaches to Public Engagement with Research” with Dr. George Belliveau (Language & Literacy Education, UBC), Dr. Amanda Claudia Wager (Vancouver Island University), Dr. Christina Cook, JS Valdez (Language & Literacy Education, UBC), Dr. Marika Kunnas (Language & Literacy Education, UBC, Moderator)
April 23, 2024: “Witnessing Genocide in Palestine”, co-hosted with Massy Arts Society and Massy Books, with Dr. Brenna Bhandar (Peter Allard School of Law, UBC), Dr. Adel Iskandar (School of Communication, SFU), Dr. Jasbir Puar (Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, UBC), Dr. André Elias Mazawi (Educational Studies, UBC), and Dr. Cait McKinney (School of Communication, SFU, Host).
Art and Testimony Webinar Series co-hosted by the University of Victoria’s Survivor-Centred Visual Narratives project and the UBC-V Public Humanities Hub.
January 25, 2024 | “Listening, Telling, Showing (and back): The Practice of a Holocaust scholar-teacher-playwright-actor” with Dr. Hank Greenspan, moderated by Dr. Charlotte Schallié
March 7, 2024 | “Why Comics?” with Dr. Véronique Sina and Dr. Fransiska Louwagie, moderated by Dr. Elizabeth “Biz” Nijdam
March 20, 2024 | “Drawing Memories” with Barbara Yelin in conversation with Dr. Charlotte Schallié
April 4, 2024 | “Empowering Narratives: Videotaped Interviews vs Graphic Novels” with Dr. Uğur Ümit Üngör in conversation with Dr. Peter Klein
September 26, 2024 | “The Art of Testimony in the Classroom” with Dr. Andrea Webb and Alyssa Wood
November 28, 2024 | “The Art of Comics-Engaged Research” with Raey Costain and Cal Smith
Ethics of Trauma-Informed Research Webinar Mini-Series co-hosted by the University of Victoria’s Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education project and the UBC-V Public Humanities Hub.
April 27, 2023 | “Participatory Action Research” with Dr. Tim Cole
May 4, 2023 | “The Ethics of Oral History Research in Genocide-affected Contexts” with Dr. Erin Jessee
May 23, 2023 | “Learning Together in a Good Way: Ethical Relationality and Indigenous Storywork” with Dr. Shannon Leddy
July 6, 2023 | “Using Research-based Theatre with Post-traumatic Stress Survivors” with Dr. George Belliveau and Christina Cook
September 15, 2023 | “Trauma, Storytelling and Respect: A Journalist’s Perspective” hosted by Esther Enkin, in conversation with Kathy Gannon, Duncan McCue, and Dr. Anthony Feinstein
November 2, 2023 | “Oral History in the Shadow of the International Criminal Court” with Dr. Kjell Anderson
March 7, 2023: “Preparing for the Public: A Conversation” with Dr. Xine Yao (University College London) and Dr. Danielle Wong (English Language & Literatures; Asian Canadian & Asian Migration Studies, Moderator).
February 21, 2023: “A Workshop on Book Proposals” with Courtney Berger (Duke University Press).
February 16, 2023: “Key Messaging: Effectively Articulating the Whys and Hows of Your Research” with Dr. Greg Garrard (Creative and Critical Studies), Dr. Heidi Tworek (History; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs), Dr. Katrina Plamondon (School of Nursing), Dr. Ori Tenenboim (School of Journalism, Writing, and Media), and Sydney Lines (Public Humanities Hub & English, Moderator). In partnership with Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
February 9, 2023: “Publishing in the Public Humanities” with Darcy Cullen (RavenSpace, UBC Press), Dr. Teresa Mangum (Obermann Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Iowa), Siobhan McMenemy (Wilfrid Laurier University Press; Amplify Podcast Network), and Dr. Paige Raibmon (History; BC Studies. Moderator).
January 19, 2023: “Publishing Your First Book: A Seminar for Pre-Tenure Faculty” with Dr. Christopher Lee (English Language and Literatures), Dr. Christopher Rea (Asian Studies), and Dr. Heidi Tworek (History; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs).
December 8, 2022: “Writing and Pitching to University Presses” with James MacNevin (UBC Press), Mark Thompson (University of Toronto Press), Jonathan Crago (McGill-Queen’s University Press) and Dr. Mary Chapman (Public Humanities Hub & English, Moderator).
November 21, 2022: “How to Engage Community: A Project Showcase” with Dr. Ben Bryce (History), Noah James (History), Dr. Maria Carbonetti (French, Hispanic and Italian Studies), Sydney Lines (English) and Kyle Nelson (Centre for Community Engaged Learning).
November 1, 2022: “Policy Communication Workshop” with Dr. Heidi Tworek (Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions; Department of History) and Kshitij (KJ) Sharan (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs).
March 24, 2022: “Infographics as Public Scholarship” with Dr. Kirby Manià (UBC School of Journalism, Writing and Media and the Coordinated Arts Program), Dr. Evan Mauro (UBC English and the Coordinated Arts Program), Dr. Lupin Battersby (SFU Knowledge Mobilization Officer), and Dr. Valerie Hruska (Knowledge Mobilization Strategist and podcast coordinator for Guelph Family Health Study); co-moderated by Nick Ubels (UBC Learning Exchange) and Shannon Murray (Making Research Accessible Initiative Student Librarian).
February 17, 2022: “Creative Writing for Academics” with Dr. Carla Nappi (U Pittsburgh), Dr. Minelle Mahtani (UBC Social Justice Institute) and Dr. Chris Patterson (UBC Social Justice Institute); moderated by Dr. Carrie Jenkins.
January-February 2022: “Writing Compelling Commentary,” a two-part, two-cohort op-ed workshop facilitated by Shari Graydon and Laura Shine of Informed Opinions.
Co-sponsored with VPRI and Faculty of Arts.
October 4, 2021: the Hub sponsored UBC student, faculty, and staff registration costs to participate in “TikTok University: Can TikTok really be a tool for Academics?” with:
- Alyce Mayfosh (@dr.fosh)
- Alina Scott (@herstorian)
- Nellie Tran (@drnellie)
- Christopher Rea (@christophergrea)
- Tom Mullaney (@firstgenprofessor)
April 7, 2021: a two-part series on The Op-Ed as Public Scholarship:
- “Faculty Perspectives on Writing the Op-Ed” with Dr. Bathseba Opini (Educational Studies), Dr. Michelle Stack (Educational Studies), James Stewart (Law), Dr. Heidi Tworek (History; Public Policy), and Dr. Dallas Hunt (English).
- “Writing the Op-Ed: An Instructional Talk” with Dr. Patty Kelly and Liam Monaghan from the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication.
Co-sponsored by the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication.
March 12, 2021: “Wikipedia as Public Scholarship” with Dr. David Gaertner (UBC Critical Indigenous Studies), Dr. Tina Loo (UBC History), Dr. Christine D’Onofrio (UBC Art History, Visual Art and Theory), and Dr. Amber Berson (Queen’s University); moderated by Erin Shields (UBC Library).
Co-sponsored by UBC Library as part of #HonouringIndigenousWriters.
March 11, 2021: “Biography Writing as Public Scholarship” with Dr. Sherill Grace (UBC English) and Dr. Ira Nadel (UBC English); moderated by Dr. Minelle Mahtani (UBC Social Justice Institute).
February 12, 2021: “Translating Research into Public Writing” with Dr. Jennifer Wilson (freelance writer); moderated by Dr. Katia Bowers (UBC Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies).
January 28, 2021: “Podcasting the Dissertation: A Presentation by Anna Williams and Judith Pascoe” with Dr. Anna Williams, creator of My Gothic Dissertation, and Dr. Judith Pascoe, George Mills Harper Professor of English at Florida State University.
November 25, 2020: “Curating Exhibitions as Public Scholarship” with Dr. Gregory Mackie (UBC English), Chelsea Shriver (UBC Library), Dr. Alvaro Santana-Acuña (Whitman College), Dr. Nicola Levell (UBC Anthropology), Anna Nielsen (UBC Anthropology, PhD Student), and Michael Schwartz (Jewish Museum and Archives of BC); moderated by Dr. Shelly Rosenblum (Belkin Art Gallery).
June 17, 2020: “Marketing the Monograph: A Conversation on How to Promote Your Book” with Heidi Tworek (UBC History) and Renisa Mawani (UBC Sociology); moderated by Dr. Letitia Henville (UBC PhD Arts Co-op).
March 6, 2020: “Podcasting as Peer-Reviewed Scholarship” with Dr. Hannah McGregor, Assistant Professor in Publishing, SFU and creator of Secret Feminist Agenda.
January 21, 2020: Writing and Publishing Trade Books, with Westwood Creative Artists agent John Pearce and Joel Bakan (Law professor and author of the bestselling trade book The Corporation).
December 5, 2019: “How to Write an Op-Ed,” with The Conversation Canada CEO and Editor-in-Chief Scott White and Associate Professor Dr. Michelle Stack (EDST).
November 4, 2019: Introduction to UBC Media Relations