This event is part of the Ethics of Trauma-Informed Research Webinar Mini-Series co-hosted by the University of Victoria’s Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education project and the UBC-V Public Humanities Hub.
In this conversation, Tim Cole draws on his experience of working in – and facilitating – co-produced research projects that bring together academics, creatives and community partners. He discusses why we might choose to work in this way, and what are some of the challenges and opportunities we encounter on the way.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
9:00-10:30 AM Pacific Time
Online via Zoom
Speaker Bio
Tim Cole is Professor of Social History at the University of Bristol where he specialises in Holocaust Studies, environmental histories and digital humanities. He was the founding director of the Brigstow Institute that seeks to develop equitable research relationships between academics from different disciplines and community and creative partners. Tim is also Academic Advisor to the Dan David Prize, and since 2020 has been Chair of the History Commission set up by the Mayor of Bristol in the wake of the toppling of the Colston statue.