
We’ve launched #HumaniSeries, a new Public Humanities Hub social media campaign on “Life in a time of COVID.” We are living in unusual times, and people around the world are turning to scholars for guidance on how to respond to COVID-19: how to “flatten the curve,” how to survive social isolation, what to read, and how to stay connected.

#HumaniSeries is a three-part campaign focused on UBC public humanities scholars: #HumaniReads, #HumaniStories, and #HumaniTalks. We consider scholars to be UBC faculty at all stages of their career, graduate students, staff, and librarians. See the headers below for more information on each of these campaigns and how you can participate. These will be hosted on our YouTube channel and distributed widely across our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Please connect with us!

Decorative header image that says #HumaniReads, which is a part of #HumaniSeries.

#HumaniReads | In this series, scholars share what they are reading: plague narratives, plague histories, or discourses of plague and contagion; or readings that remind us about belonging to a larger community, make us feel quintessentially human, or help us cope with isolation. As videos come in, we will add them to our Youtube #HumaniReads playlist embedded below.

UBC Humanities scholars, find out how to contribute your own #HumaniReads video here: https://forms.gle/xuYahAfjaHmsyMab9


Decorative header image that says #HumaniStories, which is a part of #HumaniSeries.

#HumaniStories | This series showcases scholars as storytellers: creative fiction, poetry, personal stories about human connections and more. As videos come in, we will add them to our Youtube #HumaniStories playlist embedded below.

UBC Humanities scholars, find out how to contribute your own #HumaniStories video here: https://forms.gle/gNUETN5hUuyMZbWj7.


Decorative header image that says #HumaniTalks, which is a part of #HumaniSeries.

#HumaniTalks | The #HumaniTalks series is a short, public “TED Talk” or “Nerd Nite” style presentation where scholars share a niche research interest with the greater public. As videos come in, we will add them to our Youtube #HumaniTalks playlist embedded below.

UBC Humanities scholars, find out how to contribute your own #HumaniTalks video here: https://forms.gle/WeDQkEuQgtwyHD9b6.

Playlist coming soon!


Red, blue, and yellow spotlights beam from a darkened backstage area with silhouettes of railings. In block letters "#HumaniNights"

#HumaniNights | #HumaniNights is an annual celebration that takes place on the UBC-Vancouver campus where UBC scholars present #HumaniTalks, #HumaniStories, or #HumaniReads live. Check out the #HumaniNights event page for more information.