- Deadline: October 21, 2024
- Value: $2,000/grant. Up to 6 grants awarded.
- Eligibility: UBC-V Doctoral Students who have completed a minimum of 24 months in their UBC graduate program by the application deadline (up to 4 grants), Postdoctoral Fellows (up to 2 grants) in the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, and Allard School of Law. Domestic and international applicants are eligible.
- Note: Applications require one letter of appraisal from the Supervisor.
- For queries related to this grant, please contact the Public Humanities Hub manager, Heather Tam, phh.manager@ubc.ca.
Terms of Reference
The Public Humanities Hub Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Grant program aims to provide support for interdisciplinary, innovative and/or experimental public humanities graduate and postdoctoral research projects, imagined broadly.
Graduate and Postdoctoral research grants provide funds to support the direct costs of graduate and postdoctoral research activities that will maintain or strengthen research capacity and research excellence and, importantly, advance knowledge in the public humanities. Eligible costs include: travel, workshops, meetings, and communication and dissemination activities, prepublication costs for the production of a scholarly edition, research equipment and supplies, and dissemination of findings.
The grants provide funds toward the direct costs of graduate and postdoctoral public humanities research activities. This grant is directed to those projects that will advance knowledge in the public humanities. The purpose of this program is to support graduate and postdoctoral research activities and contribute to knowledge advances in the public sphere. Up to six research grants will be awarded up to $2,000 each.
The project should:
- Be framed and designed through critical, Public Humanities methods and scholarship;
- Identify a significant knowledge advance that represents a contribution of this scholarly work to the public humanities;
- Acknowledge that public scholarship of necessity attends to social justice, human rights and other minoritizing histories and processes that characterize publics, related knowledges, and cultural production;
- The research grant is a research project-based funding stream, which means your project must have articulated objectives, a literature review, research questions and an articulated methodology/set of research activities and a budget. Proposals must make clear how these funds will enable your research project to be carried out.
The application will be assessed by an adjudication team made up of public humanities faculty members who are members of the Public Humanities Hub Advisory Board. The application will be assessed in terms of the following criteria:
- Humanities? Framed and designed through Public Humanities methods and scholarship. Applicant’s academic trajectory provides evidence of innovative and talented academic contributions to the public humanities;
- Public Humanities? Applicant prioritizes: (a) public-facing engagement; and/or, (b) academic engagement that seeks to transform and redistribute access to knowledge amongst diverse publics;
- Knowledge Advance. Identifies a significant knowledge advance that represents the major academic contribution of this scholarly work;
- Capability. Applicant’s expertise and capacity to succeed in relation to the project’s stated aims;
- Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization (EDID). Represents research with a clearly articulated aim to achieve inclusive excellence through public humanities scholarship. EDID expertise of the applicant.
- Contain appropriate expenses in the budget.
Notification of awards will be made by December 2024.
Note: Applications require one letter of appraisal from the Supervisor.
Please complete the following:
- Grant Proposal Form (click here to download)
- Additional Attachment pages as per below (see Attachment Requirements)
- Research Project Information Form (RPIF) (PDF)
Each application also requires one Letter of Appraisal completed by the applicant’s supervisor in their Doctoral or Postdoctoral research. Letter authors should submit letters directly to the Public Humanities Hub by emailing them in PDF format to public.humanities@ubc.ca by October 21, 2024.
- Letter of Appraisal (click here to download)
The completed Grant Proposal form and all attachments must be submitted as a single bookmarked PDF. The Research Project Information Form (RPIF) is submitted as an additional PDF. (Note: Attachment formatting requirements and file-naming protocol provided below). Grant Proposal Attachments as Described Below
- Attachment: Detailed Description (maximum 2 pages). A description of the proposed research and activities that effectively communicates: a. The research questions to be explored through the proposed activities; b. Rationale and significance of the proposed research and activities grounded in relevant literature; c. The methodology for the research activities; and d. How the grant funds will help advance a new line of research. <<PDF Bookmark Label: Detailed Description>>
- Attachment: How will your project advance knowledge in the public humanities? ((maximum half-page) as defined here) <<PDF Bookmark Label: Public Humanities>>
- Attachment: How does your project/methodology represent a commitment to social justice? (maximum half-page) <<PDF Bookmark Label: Social Justice>>
- Attachment: Applicant’s peer-reviewed publication, conference presentation, and awards/scholarships history <<PDF Bookmark Label: Publications Awards>>
For the attachments # 1-4, note Attachment Requirements
Complete the RPIF, naming your supervisor as the Principal Investigator. The RPIF should be signed by the Principal Investigator, the Principal Investigator’s Department/Unit Head, and the Faculty Dean or designate, typically the Associate Dean Research. Please check the turnaround times for Department and Faculty signatures.
The completed Application Form and all attachments must be submitted as a single bookmarked PDF which conforms to the following formatting conventions:
- Font: Size 12 pt Times New Roman
- Page size: 8 ½” x 11”
- Spacing: Single-spaced
- Margins: Minimum ¾ inch (1.87 mm)
- Whole PDF must be Bookmarked
Please save these documents, in this order, as a single, bookmarked PDF file and name the Application and the RPIF files by using the following respective formats:
Applicantsurname – GradAndPostdocResearchGrant2024.pdf
Applicantsurname – GradAndPostdocResearchGrant2024RPIF.pdf
Please upload both the bookmarked form and attachments as a single PDF, as well as the RPIF PDF, via the online submission form below.
Proposals are due October 21, 2024.
For queries related to this grant, please contact the Public Humanities Hub manager, Heather Tam, phh.manager@ubc.ca.