Raha H. Atashpa, Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies: “Cocooning and Anti/Metamorphosis: An art-led interdisciplinary Odyssey”
“Cocooning and Anti/Metamorphosis: An art-led interdisciplinary Odyssey” embarks on an art-led interdisciplinary journey to explore the metaphor of anti-metamorphosis. Challenging traditional ideas of transformation, the dissertation weaves through the lifecycle of the Bombyx Mori to examine the complex interplay of vulnerability, transformation, and freedom within human development. The metaphor of the silkworm’s manipulated lifecycle in sericulture to critique societal and educational structures that hinder positive change. The study’s art-led methodology marries multidisciplinary academic research with an artistic tapestry, narratively and poetically engaging with daily experiences.
Through qualitative analysis, the research will explore the subjective landscapes of cocooning, capturing its complex essence. Artistic works, transcending their aesthetic function, become vital data sources revealing the silent narratives of experience. Complementing this, digital storytelling and interactive installations invite participants into a dialogic exploration, enriching the empirical data with personal stories and lived experiences of anti/metamorphosis.