Serikbolsyn Tastanbek

Headshot of Serikbolsyn Tastanbek wearing a grey suit

Graduate Academic Assistant, Public Humanities Hub
PhD Candidate, Department of Language & Literacy Education

Serikbolsyn Tastanbek (he/him) is a PhD candidate in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) at the University of British Columbia. He has taught English as an additional language and courses on applied linguistics and TESOL in Qazaqstan and Canada. His scholarship explores translanguaging pedagogy, language ideologies, intersectional identities, aiming to make language and literacy education more socially just. Some of his work has appeared in TESOL Quarterly and the Journal of Second Language Writing. He also collaborates with TESOL professionals to promote critical multilingual praxis and supports aspiring graduate applicants and current graduate students through various outreach initiatives.

Research Area: TESOL, Applied Linguistics, Multilingual Education, Teacher Education, Qualitative Research Methodologies