Joel Bakan (Allard School of Law)
“The New Corporation”
Building on his award-winning 2004 book and documentary film, The Corporation, Professor Bakan completed a book and a documentary film, The New Corporation, both of which engage with CEOs, economists, philosophers, politicians, and activists to further examine the rising influence of corporate power over politics, the environment, and societies at large, and to instigate new conversations about governance and public action.
Siobhán McElduff (Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies)
“UnRoman Romans: Enabled Public Scholarship”
Together with undergraduate students, Dr. McElduff produced UnRoman Romans, an open education resource that goes beyond materials that present a homogenized view of the Roman empire by bringing together ancient sources treating social outsiders such as bandits, entertainers, gender-nonconformists, sex workers, and witches.
Adam Frank (English Language and Literatures)
“Radio Free Stein (Boxed Set)”
Drawing on his exploration of modernist American writer Gertrude Stein’s poetics in relation to twentieth- and twenty-first century North American musical composition, Dr. Frank will stage a collaborative sound interpretation of one of Stein’s avant-garde dramatic works.
Bonny Norton (Language and Literacy Education)
“Translation, identity, and the Global Storybooks initiative”
Through her collaborative analysis of translation data, Dr. Norton will guide Global Storybooks translators on how to negotiate linguistic and cultural issues in the translation process for multilingual storybooks, enriching the free online literacy resource, and promoting children and youth literacy around the world.