Please join us for a workshop on transfeminist solidarity and worldmaking, featuring the screening and discussion of “The Neighbour,” a transfeminist short film directed by Cedoy and produced by Lalu (esra) Ozban, and the seminar discussion of Asli Zengin’s Violent Intimacies: The Trans Everyday and the Making of an Urban World exploring the trans everyday where violence and intimacy are co-constitutive.
ABOUT the Film
“The Neighbour” is a transfeminist short film directed by Cedoy and produced by Lalu (esra) Ozban. The film follows Bulut, a trans man, who moves to a new flat in Istanbul tackling with the housing struggles faced by trans communities.
Thursday, October 31, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Norman Bouchard Memorial Theatre, 6138 Student Union Boulevard, UBC-V (in-person only)
A light lunch will be served.
This event is presented by the Queer and Trans Anti-Fascisms Research Cluster, funded by the Public Humanities Hub.
Co-sponsors: Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality & Social Justice, Middle East Studies, Anthropology, and the UBC Film Society.