Haida X Manga is a multi-sited temporary exhibition focusing on the works of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, an award-winning visual artist, author, public speaker, and a member of the Haida Nation.
As the creator of the Haida Manga genre, Yahgulanaas blends the traditions of Indigenous Northwest Coast iconographies with the dynamism of East Asian graphic art forms to explore themes of identity, environmentalism, and the human condition. Before becoming a full-time artist, Yahgulanaas spent 20 years on the Council of the Haida Nation, working to safeguard Haida Gwaii’s biocultural diversity.
Haida X Manga was curated by UBC’s Anthropology 431C (Museum Practice and Curatorship) class, led by 2020-21 Public Humanities Faculty Fellow Dr. Nicola Levell. The exhibition runs from April 11 to June 11 at two locations on campus: inside the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Anthropology and Sociology Building.
With support from the Public Humanities Hub.