[Full description, poster, and RSVP link forthcoming]
Please join us for a PHH Noted Scholar Lecture by Dr. Antje Ziethen, Associate Professor of French, Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies (FHIS), where she will speak about her PHH Faculty Fellowship project, “Reverse Diaspora: The “Brazilians” in West Africa”. This lecture is also part of the FHIS Research Seminar.
Dr. Antje Ziethen specializes in African literatures and francophone literatures, with a particular focus on (urban) space, migration, and gender. She is the author of Géo/Graphies postcoloniales. La Poétique de l’espace dans le roman mauricien et sénégalais (WVT, 2013) and the co-editor of Beyond the Postmodern: Space and Place for the Early 21st Century (2015) and Afrika-Raum-Literatur/Africa-Space-Literature (2014). Dr. Ziethen has published special issues on science fiction in French, literary transnationalism, and spatial approaches to literature. Her most recent publications deal with the Black Mediterranean, speculative fiction, and geographic metafiction. Currently, she is working on her second manuscript which reads novels from across the African continent through the lens of transatlantic migration.
Wednesday, February 5, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Buchanan Tower Room 726