Presentations by speakers from Simpson Center for the Humanities
Friday, November 15, 2019
3:30 – 4:30 pm. Reception to follow.
Buchanan Tower, 1873 East Mall, 3rd floor, room 323
From activist poetics and digital geographies, to environmental humanities collaborations and film festival programming, faculty and PhD students from the Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington use a variety of methods to practice publicly engaged teaching and scholarship. They’ll discuss their work in an hour-long series of lightning talks at UBC Vancouver on November 15. Please join us for these talks and for refreshments afterward. Co-sponsored with the UBC Public Scholars Initiative.
Jason Groves, Assistant Professor of Germanics
“Exposed: Public Environmental Humanities”
Leigh Mercer, Associate Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature, Cinema, and Media
“Hispanic Film Programming and the Film Festival Phenomenon”
Chelsea Grimmer, Lecturer, Department of English
“Poetry as Public Scholarship: Activist Poetics in the Time of Social Media”
Isaac Rivera, PhD student, Department of Geography
“Digitizing the Sacred: Water, Struggle, and the Digital Geographies of the Oceti Sakowin” |